How to do email marketing the right way?
When it comes to earning high ROIs, email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels. But, a successful and effective email marketing campaign takes a lot more than just a few tricks. Above all, it requires foolproof, impact-driven strategies that are distinctive and unique. Only then can you achieve a stellar open and click-through rate.
These strategies that are result driven and will give your competitors a run for their money have definitely changed over time. What worked brilliantly a couple of years back have been rendered obsolete. However, one thing is a given—email marketing outperforms all other marketing strategies including PPC, SEO and content marketing. If email marketing is not your go-to marketing channel yet, it’s time to rethink things!

Strategies to “Up your email marketing game"
When you follow these effectively, not only will email become your most important channel but you will also take your marketing to the next level.
Personalize your messages
You don’t need to send an individual email to everyone your subscribers. What personalization actually entails is using customer data to craft a message that resonates with your consumers.
A good example of a company that does personalization remarkably is Amazon.
Instead of going for ‘Dear valued customer’, they choose to go with ‘Dear John’. Moreover, their recommendations are not randomly-generated but curated and based on your purchase history. Thus, for Amazon, email marketing is the key to the overall customer experience.
There are a couple of things you can look at to help get started with personalization:
Use your real signature
Use real contact information within your email and include your contact details in the email signature. You will not only give your consumers the opportunity to contact you but also be personal with them and build a relationship that’s long-lasting and mutually profitable. This applies to not just small businesses but also businesses that have an employee/marketing/customer service team in charge of sending out emails.
Asking for the right information upfront
Start your customization even before your customer hits the send button, with the sign-up form. You cannot be limited with your personalized communication strategy. Thus, to broaden your horizons remember always to ask for information that you need.
Use a real reply to the email address
Don’t take the authenticity away from your messaging. You would want your readers to not just read but also respond to and engage with your campaigns. Hence try and use a real reply address that will improve credibility and will appear more warm, endearing and personal.
Segment your subscribers
Segmentation is definitely a priority for you when you are dealing with something as intimate as emails. Your emails automatically become much more targeted to your audience when you segment your database. Imagine if you are hosting an event, you would want to invite people who would be interested. How annoying it must be to receive an email that invites you to an event located on the other side of the world or if you have already signed up for an event but are still receiving emails nonetheless. When you efficiently segment your lists, you are bound to get better open rates, revenue, transactions, leads and more customers.