Frustrated by low quality b2b leads? Focus on buyer personas instead!
Are you frustrated by low-quality B2B leads? Don’t be – just focus on your Buyer Persona instead!
A high-value qualified lead is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. B2B lead generation today is impossible without digital marketing. But getting the right kind of lead relies on something that comes before you even start your digital marketing – analyzing your potential customer.
- For many B2Bs the ideal customer can be frustratingly elusive – their individual spend and value can be sizeable, but their loyalty is increasingly unreliable as they pursue the best options in a competitive market. And that’s why digital marketing has become so important – it’s increasingly the only way to reach the professional buyer.
- But effective digital marketing is a precision weapon; so, if you’re not pulling in the right leads, your aim must be wrong. And that’s because you didn’t survey the battlefield properly.
- Yes, we all have to reach out to our prospects through the internet and social media; and yes we need to use the slow-cooker relationship-building process, allowing time for our content to embed our values, authority and general desirability in their minds.
- But it’s precisely because the internet is so vast and because there’s so much chatter out there that we have to make sure we’re reaching out to the right people – and in the right way.
- You see, a successful digital strategy is exactly that – a strategy; and it is based on solid facts, not suppositions or guesswork.
- And the most important facts are derived from your Buyer Persona analysis, which reveals:
a) The sequence of people you need to connect with through content (the final decision maker is often not the person who you first establish a relationship with)
b) What’s going on in their world, not yours.
If you’d like to increase the quality of your B2B leads book a 30 minute call with our marketing expert.